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mengusung sudut pandang sebuah ras, pada peristiwa mei 98 di jakarta Indonesia. Banyak bermain di warna merah, kuning,dan hitam sebagai aksen dan elemen warna yang kental pada budaya tionghoa. Dipadu dengan detail dari properti panggung, sehingga aksi atau gerakan2 teaterny sendiri pun termediai. Work with Bonifacius Djoko Santoso. Hargai perbedaan


Theres a mountain infront of us hard to climb hard to defeated that tell you and i both got to struggle .csbe.


in the time of rainy december i have plannig my time to spend some interesting things in sumatera island. North Sumatera ya it will be my pleasure. i enjoy my trip, backpacking around Lake Toba, Brastagi, Parapat, Bangun Dolok, Kaban Jahe, Medan, Pematang Siantar and more. The cultures the art and civilization i try to catch it some on my cam. enjoy it. and i hope i can go back there in another day another trip. Interest?